Not all Medicare plans are the same. Neither are Medicare agents.

Medicare and Life Insurance

Our mission is to ensure your future is safe financially and medically. We offer insurance ranging from life insurance to critical illness and cancer. You’ll have insurance covering the exact areas you want with no hidden fees.

Disability and Work Insurance

We provide insurance plans to support you when you are unable to work. We have services for disability income, accidents, and medical gaps so you don’t have to worry when you are injured on the job. Moreover, we are dedicated to maximizing your Union benefits, providing ongoing support to you and your loved ones.

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About Us

As a team, we strive to aid you and your loved ones in safeguarding against possible catastrophes. Our commitment is to streamline the process of acquiring insurance for you, making it accessible and affordable. We guarantee the most favorable options that cater to your family’s needs, granting you peace of mind.

Here to Serve

Our dedicated agents will thoroughly work with you to create the best insurance plan. Amber Cornett is passionate to serve people like you and is excited to meet you.

AGENT Home Here To Serve

Amber Cornett has the experience and products to help choose a plan that makes sense for YOU.

Why Choose Us?


We value honesty and doing the right thing in all our business practices.


We strive to make insurance understandable and easy to navigate for you.


At our core, we care about making sure you and your loved ones are safe and secure.

How It Works

Reach Out

Tell us about yourself. Our agents are eager to meet you and to learn more about how we can assist you.

Get A Free Quote

Get a quote today! Our team will contact you about the insurance options available, and assist you in finding the most suitable plan that will cater to your family’s needs at an affordable rate.

Rest Assured

Once the insurance process is complete, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have coverage in all necessary areas. Our agents are readily available to address any issues or inquiries you may have.

Ready to Get Started?

Get A Free Quote Today!

Stay Informed

We want to make sure that you are always up to date. Click below to see the information you need to make sure you best understand your potential insurance policies.

We're Here To Help

If you have any questions or concerns, we will gladly address them with you. Reach out to one of agents today.